
WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode Error and Solutions

WordPress Bakım Modunda Takılı Kalma Hatası ve Çözüm Yolları - SEO


The “Stuck in Maintenance Mode” error in WordPress is a common issue that can occur during site updates or when the site is put into maintenance mode. When you encounter this error, there’s no need to worry as it usually has a simple solution. In this article, you will find detailed information about the causes and solutions for the WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode error.


  1. Incomplete or Interrupted Update: An interruption or incomplete update process can cause your WordPress site to get stuck in maintenance mode.
  2. Security Plugins: Some security plugins might activate maintenance mode to enhance the security of your site, thereby preventing normal access.


  1. Check the .maintenance File: This error is often caused by the presence of a file named .maintenance. Use FTP or your file manager to find and delete this file in the WordPress root directory.
  2. Clear Cache: Invalid data in your cache might cause the site to remain in maintenance mode. Clear your site’s cache and also empty your browser’s cache.
  3. Deactivate Plugins: A problematic plugin might be causing your site to remain in maintenance mode. Deactivate your plugins one by one to identify which one is causing the issue.
  4. Check the Theme: The theme you are using might be faulty or outdated. If you suspect an issue with your theme, switch to the default WordPress theme to check if the problem persists.


The WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode error usually stems from simple causes and can often be resolved easily. Try the solutions mentioned above to fix the problem. If you lack technical experience or cannot resolve the issue, consider seeking professional support. Remember to always back up your site before making any changes!

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