
 WordPress Broken Link Icon Error and Solutions

WordPress Hatalı Bağlantı Simgesi Hatası ve Çözüm Yolları - SEO


The broken link icon error is a common issue among WordPress users that can negatively impact the appearance of the site and reduce visitor interaction. In this article, we will thoroughly examine the causes and solutions for the broken link icon error in WordPress.


  1. Missing or faulty code in the theme: A missing or faulty code in your theme can prevent the link icon from loading correctly. You can detect this issue by checking your theme.
  2. Plugins: The plugins you use can also cause the broken link icon error. You can identify the problematic plugin by disabling them one by one.
  3. Cache issue: Cache problems can also lead to the broken link icon error. You can resolve this issue by clearing the cache.
  4. SSL certificate: Incorrect configuration of the SSL certificate can also cause the broken link icon error. You can fix this issue by properly configuring the SSL certificate.


  1. Theme check: Inspect your theme’s code to identify any missing or faulty code. Update your theme if necessary to resolve the issue.
  2. Plugin check: Disable the plugins one by one to identify the problematic one, and check the site each time. Once you identify the problematic plugin, update it or use an alternative plugin.
  3. Clear the cache: Clear the WordPress cache to allow the page to reload. This can help fix the broken link icon error.
  4. Check the SSL certificate: Ensure that the SSL certificate is correctly configured. If it is incorrectly configured, contact your hosting provider to have it properly configured.

The broken link icon error in WordPress usually stems from the causes mentioned above. Therefore, it is important to carefully follow the steps to identify and resolve the issue. If you cannot solve the problem on your own, you can seek professional support. Remember, you can easily eliminate the broken link icon error and improve your site’s performance with a few simple steps.

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