
WordPress 404 Page Not Found Error and Solutions

WordPress 404 Sayfa Bulunamadı Hatası ve Çözüm Yolları - SEO


The 404 Page Not Found error is a common issue among WordPress users. This error typically appears when visitors cannot find the page they are looking for, which can be frustrating for site owners. However, don’t worry—there are solutions available.

Causes of the 404 Page Not Found Error

The 404 error usually arises from the following issues:

  • Incorrect URL entry
  • Internal link errors
  • Permalink configuration issues
  • Faulty code in the theme

Solutions to Fix the 404 Error

  1. Check Internal Links: First, verify the internal links on your site. If there are incorrect redirects or broken links, you may need to edit and correct them.
  2. Verify Permalink Settings: Proper permalink settings are crucial for creating correct URLs and reducing 404 errors. To check your permalink settings:
    • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Navigate to Settings > Permalinks.
    • Ensure that the permalink structure is set correctly, and save the changes even if no changes were made.
  3. Use 301 Redirects: Implementing 301 redirects can help automatically direct visitors to the correct page if they encounter a wrong URL. You can use plugins like Redirection to manage your redirects easily.
  4. Use Google Search Console: Tools like Google Search Console can help identify errors on your site. Regularly check your site for any 404 errors and address them promptly.
  5. Check Theme Code: Faulty code in your theme can also lead to 404 errors. Consider updating your theme or switching to a different one to see if the issue persists.
  6. Remove Unnecessary Plugins: Removing unnecessary plugins can improve your site’s performance and reduce errors. Deactivate and delete any plugins that you don’t need or that may be causing conflicts.

Preventive Measures

  1. Regular Site Checks: Regularly check your site for broken links and errors to catch and fix them early.
  2. Customize 404 Pages: Customize your 404 error page to provide visitors with helpful navigation options or a search bar to find the correct page. This improves user experience even when they encounter a 404 error.


Dealing with the WordPress 404 Page Not Found error is straightforward. By following the steps outlined above, you can minimize these errors and enhance the user experience on your site. Taking proactive measures will ensure that your site runs smoothly and visitors can find the content they are looking for.

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