
What is MASAK? Duties and Authorities

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What is MASAK?

MASAK stands for the Financial Crimes Investigation Board (Mali Suçları Araştırma Kurulu), which operates under the Turkish Ministry of Treasury and Finance. MASAK plays a crucial role in combating financial crimes and terrorism financing in Turkey. This article provides detailed information about MASAK’s duties, authorities, and operational methods.

Duties of MASAK

MASAK’s primary duty is to combat financial crimes nationwide. This includes tackling terrorism financing, money laundering, drug trafficking, and organized crime. MASAK conducts investigations and takes necessary measures to address these issues. It also collaborates internationally to monitor and counter cross-border criminal organizations.

Key duties of MASAK include:

  • Investigating and Preventing Financial Crimes: MASAK actively researches and combats various financial crimes to maintain financial stability.
  • Evaluating Suspicious Transaction Reports: Financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, and jewelers must report suspicious transactions to MASAK, which then analyzes and acts upon these reports.
  • Reporting and Advising: MASAK provides reports and recommendations based on its findings to relevant authorities to facilitate further actions against financial crimes.

Authorities of MASAK

MASAK is endowed with several authorities to fulfill its duties effectively:

  • Supervision and Enforcement: MASAK can issue warnings or impose penalties on institutions that fail to report suspicious transactions. It has the authority to freeze bank accounts and seize assets if necessary.
  • Financial Audits: MASAK is authorized to audit financial records of institutions to trace the sources of suspicious transactions.
  • Initiating Investigations: If MASAK identifies potential criminal activity, it can initiate investigations to gather more evidence and support legal actions.

How MASAK Operates

MASAK’s operational methodology includes analyzing suspicious transaction reports and initiating investigations when warranted. The organization leverages advanced technological infrastructure for big data analysis to identify suspicious activities. Detailed examinations are then conducted by expert teams, and pertinent information is relayed to relevant authorities.

Additionally, MASAK engages in international cooperation to monitor and combat cross-border criminal activities, enhancing the global fight against financial crimes.


MASAK plays a pivotal role in combating financial crimes in Turkey. By analyzing suspicious transaction reports and taking necessary measures, MASAK contributes significantly to maintaining financial stability. Its international collaborations further bolster efforts to track and counter transnational criminal organizations.

Through its duties and authorities, MASAK’s operations help position Turkey more effectively in the fight against financial crimes, ensuring better national and international financial security.

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