
What are HTML and CSS? What Do They Do?

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are two fundamental programming languages used for designing and creating websites. HTML is used to determine the structure of web pages, while CSS is used to organize the visual design of this structure. When used together, they enable control over the content and appearance of websites.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) HTML is a markup language used to determine the structure of web pages. It is used to define elements such as page titles, paragraphs, lists, images, and links. HTML is a text-based language readable by browsers and is the cornerstone of web pages.

  • Semantic Structure: HTML is used to create the semantic structure of web pages. Elements like heading tags, paragraph tags, and list tags allow content to be organized hierarchically.
  • Content Definition: With HTML, various contents like text, images, videos, and links can be defined.
  • Web Standards: HTML is developed in accordance with web standards set by the W3C. This increases browser compatibility and accessibility.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) CSS is a style language used to organize the visual design of web pages. It is used to determine visual properties such as colors, fonts, backgrounds, and sizes. The purpose of CSS is to ensure that the structure created with HTML is displayed aesthetically and user-friendly.

  • Visual Design: CSS determines the visual design of web pages. Features like colors, fonts, and backgrounds can be easily controlled.
  • Responsive Design: CSS enables the creation of designs compatible with mobile devices using media queries. This allows websites to be displayed appropriately on different screen sizes.
  • Accessibility: CSS can make websites more accessible. Features such as the use of contrast colors and font sizes can enhance accessibility.

The Combined Use of HTML and CSS When HTML and CSS are used together, both the structure and the visual design of websites can be controlled. HTML specifies the content, while CSS determines how this content will appear. This enables websites to achieve a more professional and aesthetic appearance.

  • Separation: HTML content and CSS style codes are kept in separate files, making maintenance and management easier.
  • Fast Loading: CSS files kept in separate files can be cached by the browser, providing faster loading.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Using responsive design techniques, websites compatible with mobile devices can be created with both HTML and CSS.

In conclusion, HTML and CSS are fundamental in the web development process. When used together, they allow control over the structure and appearance of websites. Both languages are easy to learn and appeal to a wide audience.

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