SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The Importance of Using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in E-commerce SEO

E-ticaret SEO’sunda Hızlandırılmış Mobil Sayfalar (AMP) Kullanımının Önemi - SEO


The mobile user experience has become more critical than ever for e-commerce sites. With the increase in shopping via mobile devices, websites need to be fast and user-friendly. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a technology that ensures mobile pages load faster and is highly significant in e-commerce SEO.

What is AMP?

AMP, short for Accelerated Mobile Pages, is an open-source project developed by Google. This technology enables web pages to load much faster on mobile devices. By using specific components like AMP HTML and AMP JS, the page loading time is significantly reduced.

The Importance of AMP for E-commerce Sites

Speed is crucial for e-commerce sites because users want to quickly access the products they are interested in and complete their purchases. If a website loads slowly, potential customers are less likely to spend more time on it or make a purchase. By using AMP to increase page loading speed, e-commerce sites can attract more customers and achieve higher conversion rates.

The Impact of AMP on SEO

Google prioritizes fast-loading and mobile-friendly websites in search results. Therefore, using AMP can improve the SEO performance of e-commerce sites. While enhancing user experience, Accelerated Mobile Pages are also favored by search engines, resulting in better rankings.

Integrating AMP

E-commerce sites need to follow certain steps to integrate AMP:

  1. Create AMP-compatible versions of the website.
  2. Link these AMP pages to the original pages using canonical tags. This way, search engines recognize AMP pages as the original content.


The use of accelerated mobile pages for e-commerce sites improves both user experience and SEO performance. Given the growing trend of shopping via mobile devices, the importance of AMP technology is significant. E-commerce sites should consider AMP integration to remain competitive and attract more customers.

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